How to Draw a Cartoon Cat – Step-By-Step Tutorial

Comment dessiner un chat look cartoon et dessin animé

First, draw a long rectangle shape that is wider at the bottom than the top. Next, draw two circles that will make up the eyes within the top of the triangle. After that, draw two triangles at the top of the cat’s head that will make up the ears. From there, draw 4 half circles to represent the cat’s paws at the very bottom of the triangle. Next, add details to the face such as the pupils, a round nose, the mouth, and whiskers. Lastly, color in the cat so it looks exactly how you want it to look.

5 different cartoon cat drawings

Step-By-Step Cartoon Cat Drawing Tutorial

  1. Start by drawing a square for the body of the cat.
  2. Next, add two circles for the eyes, positioning them near the top of the square.
  3. Draw a small triangle for the nose, and add a curved line for the mouth.
  4. Erase any unnecessary lines, and add details like whiskers and eyebrows to give the cat expression.
  5. After that, draw 4 half circles at the bottom of the cat that will make up the paws.
  6. Draw two triangles at the top of the cat’s head to make up the ears.
  7. Color in your cat with the color of your choice.

cat drawings orange cat and bengal cat

#1 Tip For Drawing a Cartoon Cat

When drawing a cat, one tip is to pay attention to how it stands and moves. Cats have a unique way of sitting, lying down, and moving that makes them easy to spot. Pay attention to how the cat’s body is set up, where its tail is, and how its eyes and ears are shaped. These are the most important parts that will make your cat drawing look like a real cat.

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