How to Draw a Koala

how to draw a koala

Drawing can be a fun and relaxing activity, especially when you’re learning how to draw adorable creatures like koalas. This guide is perfect for you if you’re looking to sharpen your art skills or if you simply love these furry Australian marsupials. Our easy-to-follow koala drawing tutorial is designed for beginners and kids alike, breaking down the drawing process into simple steps so you can create your very own koala masterpiece. By following along, you’ll learn not only how to draw a koala, but also valuable drawing techniques you can use in your future drawings.

how to draw a koala step by step on a branch

Step 1: Draw the Body and the Head of the Koala

Begin by drawing a big U shape for the body of your koala. The bottom of the “U” should be slightly wider than the top. On top of the body, draw a smaller and rounder U shape for the head. Make sure the head is directly above the body to ensure the koala is balanced.

Step 2: Draw the Ears of the Koala

On the sides of the head, draw two large, round shapes for the koala’s ears. Remember, koalas have very large and fluffy ears, so you can make the shapes a bit more irregular to represent the fluffiness.

Step 3: Draw the Face of the Koala

Within the head shape, draw two small circles for the eyes towards the middle but slightly above the center. Below the eyes, draw a small, oval shape for the koala’s nose, and below the nose, draw a simple, curved line for the mouth.

Step 4: Draw the Koala’s Arms

Coming off the sides of the body near the top, draw two shapes that resemble mittens or rounded rectangles for the koala’s arms. Koalas have strong and muscular arms that they use for climbing, so make them a bit bigger in relation to the body.

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Step 5: Draw the Koala’s Legs

At the bottom of the body, draw two more rounded rectangle shapes for the legs. They should be shorter and thicker than the arms.

Step 6: Add Claws and Details to Your Koala Drawing

On each of the arms and legs, draw some small, curved lines to represent the koala’s claws. Don’t forget to also add some lines inside the ears to show the inner structure.

Step 7: Finalize and Color Your Koala Drawing

Now that you have your basic koala outline, go over your drawing with a darker pen or pencil to finalize the lines. Then, color your koala using shades of gray for the body and a darker shade for the nose and claws. You can also add a tree branch under its arms to show it in its natural habitat.

FAQs for Drawing a Koala

What is a Koala?

A koala is a native Australian animal known for its adorable appearance and tree-dwelling lifestyle. Despite its bear-like appearance, koalas are marsupials, meaning they carry their young ones in a pouch similar to kangaroos.

What Color are Koalas?

Koalas are typically grey with patches of white on their chests, inner arms, ears and bottoms. The fur on their back can sometimes have a brownish tinge. The colors can vary slightly among individuals and populations, but these are the most common colors.

What does a Koala look like?

Koalas are small, sturdy animals with a large, round head, big nose, and very large, fluffy ears. They have a stout body and strong, clawed limbs which are perfect for climbing trees. Their fur is thick and woolly to protect them from both the heat and the cold.

Who should draw a Koala?

Anyone who is interested in animals, particularly Australian wildlife, would enjoy drawing a koala. It’s a fun activity for people of all ages, but especially for kids who are developing their artistic skills. Drawing a koala could also be a part of learning about different animals around the world.

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How can I teach kids to draw Koalas easily?

The best way to teach kids to draw koalas easily is by breaking down the process into simple steps. Start with basic shapes, like circles for the body and head, and then gradually add details such as the ears, eyes, nose, arms, and legs. Using this method allows kids to build their drawing step by step and not get overwhelmed.

What are the different parts of a Koala I need to draw?

When drawing a koala, you would need to draw the main body, the head, the large fluffy ears, the facial features including the eyes and nose, the arms and legs, and the claws. Each of these parts is distinctive and contributes to the overall appearance of the koala, making it easily recognizable.


You’ve made it to the end of our how to draw a koala guide. We hope that this process has not only taught you to bring a cute koala to life on paper but also encouraged your artistic creativity. Drawing is all about practice and patience, so don’t worry if your first few tries didn’t turn out perfect. Keep refining your strokes and before you know it, you’ll be impressing your friends with your koala drawing skills. This koala drawing tutorial is just the starting point for your artistic journey, so keep exploring and keep drawing.