How to Draw a Goldfish

First, start by drawing a sideways oval for the body of the goldfish. You can draw an outline of the top fin as a rounded triangle with a tip. Then, you can start drawing the outline of the three bottom fins and the outline of the tail. The shapes of fins are going to be triangle-shaped with rounded edges. You do not want the shapes to look perfect. The tail should be a sideways Y-shape. Within the fish, there should be lines showing the details of the fins, lines to represent the gills, and an eyeball on the side of the fish’s head. Goldfish have front-bottom fins that look almost like little hands coming off their body. In addition, they have a large top fin, another small bottom fin, and a back fin.

pencil drawing of a goldfish with crayon goldfish drawing

Step-By-Step Goldfish Drawing Tutorial

Are you looking to learn how to draw a goldfish? Drawing a goldfish can be both fun and challenging. With the right techniques, you can draw a beautiful goldfish in no time. In this blog post, we’ll break down the 8 steps for drawing a goldfish step-by-step, from drawing the outline to adding color and detail.

Step 1 – Draw The Outline of the Goldfish Including the Body, Head, and Tail

Start your goldfish drawing by sketching out the outline of the body. Begin by drawing a curved line for the body, then add a circle for the head and an oval for the tail. Make sure the body and head are connected, and the tail is drawn out to the side.

Once you’ve got the outline down, you can move on to the next step.

outline drawing of a goldfish

Step 2 – Draw the Goldfish Fins Including the Dorsal fin, Pectoral fins, and Caudal fin (tail).

Draw three pairs of fins on your goldfish. The dorsal fin is the fin on the top of the goldfish’s back, the pectoral fins are the two fins on either side of the body, and the caudal fin is the tail fin. Draw the fins as curved lines or triangle shapes.

Once you’ve got the fins down, you can move on to the next step.

Step 3 – Draw the Distinct Eyes and Mouth of the Goldfish

Draw two large circles for the eyes, and a curved line for the mouth. Make sure the eyes and mouth are in proportion to the size of the goldfish’s body.

Once you’ve got your eyes and mouth drawn, you can move on to the next step.

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Step 4 – Draw The Scales of the Goldfish

Draw small, curved lines around the body of the goldfish to create the scales. Make sure the scales are evenly spaced and consistent in size.

Once you’ve got the scales drawn, you can move on to the next step.

crayon drawing of a goldfish

Step 5 – Draw Detail on the Fins Including Rays and Webbing

Draw small, curved lines on the fins to create the rays and webbing. Make sure the rays and webbing are even and consistent in size.

Once you’ve got the detail on the fins drawn, you can move on to the next step.

Step 6 – Use an Eraser to Remove Unwanted Lines

Once you’ve finished your goldfish drawing, use an eraser to remove any unwanted lines or mistakes. This will help make your drawing look clean and professional.

Once you’ve erased any mistakes, you can move on to the next step.

Step 7 – Add Orange Color to the Goldfish

Using orange colored pencils, crayons, or markers, add color to your goldfish drawing. Make sure to color in the body, head, and tail.

Once you’ve added the color, you can move on to the next step.

drawing of an orange goldfish realistic

Step 8 – Add Shading and Draw Any Final Details

Using a darker orange color, add shading to your goldfish drawing. This will give your goldfish drawing a more realistic look. You can also add any final details such as facial features or patterns on the scales.

Once you’ve added the shading and final details, your goldfish drawing is complete!

Goldfish Drawing

goldfish drawing

FAQs for Drawing Goldfish

What is a Goldfish?

A goldfish is a type of freshwater fish that is a common pet worldwide. It’s part of the carp family and originally native to East Asia. The goldfish is known for its bright colors and is one of the most common types of aquarium fish.

What Color are Goldfish?

Goldfish come in various colors, not just gold. They can be orange, yellow, white, black, and even blue. The most commonly seen goldfish, however, are bright orange or gold.

What does a Goldfish look like?

A goldfish typically has a long, slender body with a slightly flattened shape. It has a rounded head, large eyes on the sides of the head, and a mouth that faces slightly upward. The goldfish’s most distinct features are its flowing fins and tail, which are often larger in comparison to its body size.

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Who should draw a Goldfish?

Anyone who enjoys drawing or wants to practice drawing animals, especially fish, should try drawing a goldfish. It is also a good drawing subject for children as it’s simple yet allows for the practice of drawing different shapes and forms.

How can I teach kids to draw a Goldfish easily?

The best way to teach kids to draw a goldfish is to break down the process into simple steps, starting with basic shapes. Begin with an oval for the body, circles for eyes, and lines for the fins. Slowly add more details such as scales and the gill covers, always encouraging them to observe a real goldfish if possible.

What are the different parts of a Goldfish I need to draw?

When drawing a goldfish, you will need to draw several parts including the body, the dorsal fin (on the back), the caudal fin (tail), and the paired pectoral and pelvic fins on the sides. You’ll also need to draw the eyes, mouth, and the gill covers. Lastly, adding scales will give your goldfish a realistic texture.

Reference Goldfish Images to Improve Your Drawing

One of the best ways to draw a realistic goldfish is to reference actual images. We have put different pictures throughout this blog post that you can follow. We have a real picture of a swimming goldfish below for your inspiration.

real goldfish swimming in the water

Tips For Drawing a Goldfish

Think about the shape and color. Goldfish are known for their unique, round shape and bright colors, so when you draw one, it’s important to get those details right. Make the goldfish’s round body and flowing tail with curves and smooth lines. Then, add color, making sure to pick colors that look just like real goldfish. You can also bring your goldfish drawing to life and make it look more three-dimensional by adding highlights and shadows.

digital art goldfish underwater swimming

In Summary

Learning how to draw a goldfish is a great way to practice your drawing skills. By following the 8 steps outlined in this post, you’ll be able to draw a beautiful goldfish in no time. So grab your pencil, paper, and eraser, and get ready to draw the most beautiful goldfish you’ve ever seen!

line art goldfish drawings - 6 different goldfish drawings