How To Draw A Standing Crocodile – Step-By-Step Tutorial

how to draw a standing crocodile

In order to draw a standing crocodile, you need to start with several shapes that make up the head and the face. Second, you need to start drawing the outline of the crocodile’s body beneath the head, face, and neck of the crocodile. Then, you will need to draw the crocodile’s mouth, head, eyes, feet, and tail. You will also need to draw the snout and a half-oval for the belly. The most important thing is to color the crocodile green.

Look, who doesn’t love crocodiles? They’re big and scary, but also kind of cute. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to draw a standing cartoon crocodile using some simple shapes. This is an easy drawing for children because it only uses basic shapes and lines. We’ll start with the head, then move down to the body and legs until we have a complete standing cartoon crocodile ready for display!

Draw a big circle for the head of your cartoon crocodile.

  • First, draw a big circle for the head of your cartoon crocodile.
  • Next, add four more circles of equal size and position them evenly on top of each other to create an oval shape for the eye sockets of your cartoon crocodile’s eyes.
  • Now that you have both sets of ovals (one big circle and two smaller ones), use straight lines to connect the outer points of each pair so that they form another large circle around them both!

Draw an oval for the body of your cartoon crocodile.

It’s now time to draw the body of your cartoon crocodile. Draw a rough oval shape for its body and make sure it is not too small or too large. Make sure it is not too long or short, either. Finally, make sure this oval shape is symmetrical (if you want your cartoon crocodile to remain balanced).

crocodile standing cartoon drawing

Draw the tail of your cartoon crocodile.

Next, you need to draw the tail of your cartoon crocodile. The tail should be curved and thick at the end. Make sure that it’s long enough so that your crocodile can walk around without dragging on the ground!

Draw two circles for the 2 legs of our cartoon crocodile.

  • For our crocodile’s legs, start by drawing two circles. They should be the same size and in the right place.
  • Next, draw two lines across each circle to create four sections. These are known as quadrants because they’re separated into four parts (you could also refer to them as quarters). Draw these lines so that they’re evenly spaced apart from each other—make sure they don’t overlap or touch each other!
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Draw two ovals for the 2 arms of our cartoon crocodile.

  • Draw two ovals for the 2 arms of our cartoon crocodile.
  • Draw a circle as the head of our cartoon crocodile, then another oval for its mouth, which will be opened wide.
  • Draw 4 circles on each side of your body as legs for your crocodile’s body (4 total).
  • Now draw an oval at the end of each leg for feet! You’re done with drawing that part!

Draw a line on each legs to make them look more like legs.

Drawing the legs is the next step. Use a ruler to draw two lines on each leg. These lines should be straight and parallel to one another, as well as being at least three times longer than they are wide. The lines should also be slightly slanted so that each leg has an S shape instead of being straight up and down or at a right angle with the body (as shown in Figure 3). You can now erase your initial vertical line between these two new ones so that you have only three lines on each side of your crocodile’s body: one vertical line, one horizontal line above it, and one horizontal line below it (as shown in Figure 4).

drawing a standing crocodile cartoon tutorial

Now let’s make those four lines look more like legs! Draw a circle around each foot with a pencil eraser or something similar—we used a small paintbrush handle—and then draw little ovals inside them where its toes would go (Figure 5).

Complete the shape of the head, nose and mouth of your standing cartoon crocodile with a few lines.

  • Draw a circle for the head.
  • Draw an oval for the body.
  • Add two lines on each leg to make them look like legs.
  • Add eyes and eyebrows to make your standing cartoon crocodile look more pleasant
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Add eyes and eyebrows to make your standing cartoon crocodile look more pleasant.

Now that you have a face for your standing cartoon crocodile, it’s time to give him some eyes and eyebrows. The eyes should be spaced apart from each other. You can make them slightly smaller than the eye sockets they sit in or make them as wide as the eye sockets themselves.

The eyebrows should be thick and curved in order to add personality to your standing cartoon crocodile’s face. They should be drawn above his eyes and meet at their peaks at around one-third of the way down from the top of his head (see figure 10).

You just need to follow these easy steps to draw a standing cartoon crocodile.

You just need to follow these easy steps to draw a standing cartoon crocodile.

  • Step 1: Draw the head of your crocodile and start with a circle for his snout. The eyes should be placed on top of this, but don’t forget that they will be big and round like saucers.
  • Step 2: Draw two curved lines under each eye to create his cheeks, which are usually quite massive in this type of animal. Remember that these lines should intersect with the sides of his mouth when finished!
  • Step 3: Draw an oval shape underneath both sets of curves you just drew so that they look like they’re sitting on top of it; this will make them look more realistic and give them strength as well as depth.

You can now move on to step four below if you haven’t already done so!

draw standing cartoon crocodile


I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and can use it to create your own standing cartoon crocodile. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below!