How to Draw Raspberries

how to draw raspberries step by step

Today, we’ll be exploring the various steps and pointers on how to sketch a raspberry. Our Raspberry drawing tutorial is super easy, designed to suit everyone including kids and beginners. We also provide a raspberry tracing printable to kickstart your drawing journey. So, gather your paper, pencil, and colored pencils, and let’s learn how to draw raspberries.

drawing of a pile of raspberries

Step 1: Draw the Basic Shape of the Raspberry

Start by drawing a circle. This will be the base of your raspberry. It doesn’t have to be a perfect circle – raspberries are a little bit uneven and that’s okay! You are just trying to draw an outline for the raspberry right now, which will be slightly uneven. Use the reference image below to help draw the raspberry shape.

basic outline of a raspberry

Step 2: Draw the Dimples of the Raspberry

Next, draw several smaller circles within the large circle. These will be the dimples or drupelets of the raspberry. Try to distribute them evenly, but they don’t all need to be the same size.

Step 3: Add More Dimples to Your Raspberry Drawing

Keep adding more small circles until you’ve filled up most of the large circle. Remember, raspberries are made up of lots of these small drupelets, so don’t be afraid to add a lot! They should all be very similar in size and they can be slightly smaller towards the bottom of the raspberry.

raspberry drawing for kids to reference when learning how to draw raspberries

Step 4: Draw the Crown Leaves (Sepals) of the Raspberry

On top of your raspberry, draw five small, leaf-like shapes. These are the sepals, which are found at the top of real raspberries. They should look a bit like a star or a crown on top of the raspberry.

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Step 5: Draw the Stem (Pedicel) of the Raspberry

On the top of your raspberry, draw a short line – this will be the pedicel or the stem of the raspberry. It should be a thin line for the stem and it will be colored green later.

realistic drawing of a raspberry

Step 6: Add Shading

Now it’s time to add some depth to your raspberry. Use light and dark shades to give it a 3D effect. Shade in the drupelets darker at the top and lighter at the bottom.

realistic drawing raspberry

Step 7: Add Color

Last but not least, let’s color our raspberry. Use a rich red color for the drupelets. The sepals can be colored in green, and the pedicel in brown.

Raspberry Drawing

Here is a sample raspberry drawing that can be a great reference for kids and beginners.

raspberry drawing

Trace Your Own Raspberry

You can trace your own raspberry by printing the photo below. We made it easy for you and you can download the printable PDF here:

trace raspberry to draw your own raspberry

FAQs for Drawing Raspberries

What is a Raspberry?

A raspberry is a small, soft, round fruit that grows on a plant of the same name. They’re widely known for their sweet-tart flavor and are commonly used in desserts, jams, and various other food products.

photo of red raspberries

What Color are Raspberries?

Raspberries are usually deep red or pink when ripe. However, there are also yellow, black, and purple varieties. The ripe ones have a vibrant, enticing color which makes them a great subject for drawing.

What does a Raspberry look like?

A raspberry is made up of many small, bead-like fruits called drupelets, clustered around a central core. Each drupelet contains a seed and the entire fruit is covered with tiny hairs. This gives the raspberry a unique texture that can be a fun challenge to capture in a drawing.

realistic drawing of raspberries to reference when learning how to draw a raspberry

Who should draw a Raspberry?

Anyone who enjoys drawing can take a crack at drawing a raspberry! It’s a great exercise for artists of all ages and levels due to its unique texture and vibrant color. Kids, especially, would find it fun and engaging to draw this interesting fruit.

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How can I teach kids to draw Raspberries easily?

Teaching kids to draw raspberries can be done in simple steps. Start with the basic shape which is round, then proceed to add the drupelets, which are like tiny bumps on the surface. Remember to make the process fun and encourage them to practice to enhance their skills. Using a step-by-step tutorial can also make this process easier and more enjoyable.

How to Draw Raspberries Videos

Video #1

Video #2


You’ve now mastered drawing raspberries. We trust you found this Raspberry drawing tutorial enjoyable. Drawing becomes more fun as you practice, so consider drawing a bunch of raspberries next time. You could even try drawing a mix of fruits. Remember, practice makes perfect when it comes to drawing. Keep up the good work and look forward to more easy-to-follow drawing tutorials!

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