How to Draw Cherries

how to draw a cherry

Today, we’re going to dive into a really sweet tutorial – how to draw whole cherries! Cherries are not only delicious but also super fun to draw. They have a simple shape, but with just the right touches of color and shading, they can really pop off the page. Whether you’re new to drawing or just want to add some fruity flair to your sketchbook, this cherry drawing tutorial is perfect for you.

In this guide, we’ll start with the basics of drawing a whole cherry. Then, for those who want a bit more of a challenge, we’ll also cover how to draw sliced cherries. This tutorial is all about having fun and practicing your skills, so don’t worry about getting it perfect the first time.

drawings of different cherries for reference

Materials for Drawing a Cherry

To draw a cherry, you’ll need a pencil for sketching, an eraser for correcting mistakes, and colored pencils or markers for coloring. You can also use a black pen or fine liner for outlining if you want your drawing to have a more defined look.

Step 1: Draw the Basic Shape of the Cherries

First off, let’s start with the basic shapes. Cherries are round, so draw two circles side by side. They don’t have to be perfect circles – a little bit of irregularity will make them look more natural. Make sure you leave enough space at the top for the stems.

Step 2: Draw the Stems

Next, let’s add the stems. Draw two curvy lines going up from each of the cherries. Think of it like you’re drawing a long, skinny letter “S”. Where the stems meet, you can draw a small leaf as an extra detail.

how to draw a cherry for kids

Step 3: Add the Highlights

Cherries are shiny, so we’ll add some highlights to show this. On one side of each cherry, draw a small oval. This is going to represent the shiny part where the light is hitting the cherry.

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Step 4: Draw the Shadow

To make your cherries look 3D, we’re going to add a shadow. On the opposite side of the highlight, draw a crescent shape that follows the curve of the cherry. This represents the shadow where the light isn’t reaching.

Step 5: Coloring Your Cherries

Time for the fun part – coloring! Use a bright red for the cherries. For the highlight, you can either leave it white or color it in lightly with a pink or a light red. The shadow can be a darker red or even a bit of brown. For the stems, use a light green, and for the leaf, a darker green.

cherry drawing realistic

Step 6: Add the Finishing Touches

Now for the final touches. You can add some texture to the stems by drawing some lines along them. You can also darken the shadows and the parts of the cherries that are furthest away from the light. This will give your cherries more depth and make them look even more 3D.

Cherry Drawing

cherry drawing

FAQs for Drawing Cherries

What is a Cherry?

A cherry is a small, round fruit that grows on trees and comes in many varieties. Cherries are known for their sweet or tart flavor and are commonly used in desserts, beverages, or eaten fresh. They are also rich in antioxidants and provide several health benefits.

What Color are Cherries?

Cherries come in a variety of colors, but the most common ones are bright red or dark red. Some types of cherries, like the Rainier cherry, have a yellowish color with a pink blush. The color of a cherry can often indicate its level of ripeness, with darker cherries typically being riper and sweeter.

realistic cherry drawing for reference when learning how to draw cherries

What does a Cherry look like?

A cherry is a small, round fruit that usually has a shiny skin. It typically has a single hard pit or seed in the center. Most cherries also have a small stem attached to them, and they’re often seen in pairs or small clusters on the tree.

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Who should draw a Cherry?

Anyone who enjoys drawing can draw a cherry! It’s a simple and fun subject that is great for beginners and kids. It can also be a good exercise for more experienced artists who want to practice shading and creating textures.

How can I teach kids to draw Cherries easily?

Teaching kids to draw cherries can be made easy by breaking down the process into simple steps. Start with basic shapes like circles for the body and lines for the stems, then slowly add details like highlights and shadows. Coloring can also make the process more fun and engaging for them.

Advanced Cherry Drawings

unique advanced cherry drawings

VIDEO: How to Draw a Cherry


You’ve just learned how to draw whole cherries and even tackle drawing sliced cherries. Wasn’t that fun? Remember, the beauty of drawing is that it’s all about expressing yourself and practicing at your own pace. Don’t be afraid to try different techniques or even add your own creative twists to these tutorials.

The key to becoming better at drawing is to practice, so why not draw a bunch of cherries until you’re completely happy with them?

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