How to Draw a Mango

how to draw a mango

Follow our easy tutorial and you will have your own mango drawing! This is a great instructional article to teach kids how to draw a mango.

realistic drawing of a mango 2 for reference

In this blog post, we will show you how to draw a mango for kids. In addition, you can color your mango at the end to make it look realistic. If you follow along with our instructions below and follow our step-by-step drawing pictures, you will be able to draw your own mango. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Draw the Outline of the Mango

Start by drawing a simple oval shape on your paper. But, unlike a perfect oval, try to make one side a bit more rounded and the other side slightly pointed. This shape will form the main body of your mango.

drawing of a mango and mango leaves

Step 2: Draw the Mango’s Stem

At the pointed end of your oval, draw a small stem. It’s like a tiny oval or a little bump at the top of the mango. This is where the mango was once attached to the tree.

Step 3: Draw the Contour Lines

Mangoes have a unique feature known as contour lines. These lines flow from the stem to the bottom of the fruit, highlighting the mango’s form. To draw these lines, start from the stem and draw curved lines that follow the shape of the mango to the bottom. Draw about 2-3 of these lines.

Step 4: Draw the Shadow

All objects cast shadows, and your mango is no exception. On one side of the mango, draw a slightly curved line from top to bottom. This will be the darker side of the mango, where the light isn’t hitting directly.

mango drawing that can be colored in

Step 5: Fill in the Mango with Base Color

If you’re using color, fill in the mango with a base color. A light orange or yellow would work well for this. If you’re not using color, you can lightly shade the mango, leaving areas for highlights.

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Step 6: Add Shadows and Highlights

Deepen the color or shading on the side of the mango where you drew the shadow line. This creates depth. Then, leave a small area on the opposite side of the mango lighter to represent the highlight where the light is hitting the mango directly.

Step 7: Add the Final Details

Finally, you can add some small dots or lines to the mango’s skin for texture. Don’t forget to draw the shadow of the mango on the surface it’s sitting on. This can be done by drawing an oval slightly larger than your mango’s bottom right beneath it and shading it lightly.

mango drawings and mango leaf drawings for reference

3 Tips For Teaching Kids to Draw a Mango

Tip 1: Start with Basic Shapes

When teaching kids to draw a mango, it’s helpful to start by breaking down the image into basic shapes. This can make the process seem less daunting. For example, the mango can initially be drawn as a slightly asymmetrical oval. This technique helps them understand the general form before adding details.

Tip 2: Use Different Shades for Depth

When coloring the mango, encourage kids to use different shades of the same color to give the mango depth and make it look more three-dimensional. They can use a darker shade of orange or yellow on one side of the mango to show shadow and a lighter shade on the other side to show where the light is hitting the fruit.

Tip 3: Practice Patience and Enjoy the Process

Remind kids that drawing and coloring take practice and they should be patient with themselves. Their first mango might not look perfect, and that’s okay. The goal is to have fun and enjoy the process. Each time they draw, they’re improving their skills. Celebrate their efforts and progress, and encourage them to keep practicing.

realistic drawing of a mango 1

FAQs for Mangoes and Drawing Mangoes

What is a Mango Fruit?

A mango is a tropical fruit known for its sweet and juicy flesh, which is encased in a thick skin. It’s grown on the mango tree and comes in various shapes and sizes.

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Where do Mangoes Originate From?

Mangoes originate from South Asia, particularly India and Myanmar, and have been cultivated in this region for over 4,000 years.

How do you Draw Mango Leaves?

To draw mango leaves, you start by sketching an elongated oval shape with a pointed tip. Then, add the midrib in the center and draw diagonal lines on both sides to represent veins.

What is the Shape of a Mango?

The shape of a mango is somewhat similar to an oval, but it’s slightly asymmetrical with one end being rounder and the other more pointed.

What are the Different Parts of a Mango?

The different parts of a mango include the outer skin, the sweet, juicy pulp (fruit), and the large, flat seed in the center.


Congratulations, you’ve successfully navigated through the process of drawing a mango! We hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it helpful. Remember, drawing is all about patience, practice, and creativity, so don’t worry if your mango doesn’t look perfect on the first attempt. With each stroke and shading, you’re honing your skills and developing your unique style. We’d love to see the wonderful mangoes you’ve created from this guide, so feel free to share your drawings with us.

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