How to Draw Odie from Garfield

how to draw odie from garfield

If you’ve been wondering how to bring your favorite comic characters to life, you’re in for a treat today. This post will teach you how to draw Odie from Garfield. Our tutorial will guide you through an easy-to-follow step-by-step process. This Odie drawing tutorial is designed especially for kids, making it fun and accessible for artists of all ages and skill levels. So, don’t worry if you’re new to drawing; by the end of this tutorial, you’ll have your own sketch of Odie.

odie drawing from garfield

Step 1: Gather Your Drawing Materials

Firstly, make sure you have all the materials you need. Here is the list:

  • A piece of paper
  • A pencil (HB or 2B is great for sketching)
  • An eraser
  • Colored pencils or crayons (particularly yellow, brown, and black)

Once you have everything ready, let’s start drawing Odie!

Step 2: Start by Drawing Odie’s Head

Odie’s head is his most prominent feature, so let’s start with that. On your paper, draw a large oval; this will serve as the base for Odie’s head. Try to keep your hand relaxed as you sketch, and don’t worry if the oval isn’t perfectly symmetrical or if it’s a bit wobbly. You can make adjustments as we progress.

Step 3: Draw Odie’s Ears

Next, we’re going to draw Odie’s ears. They hang down from the sides of his head and have a unique, elongated shape. Start from the top of the head and draw a long, curved line that goes down and then back up, forming a shape like a stretched-out U or a drooping leaf. The ears should be wider at the top where they connect to the head, and narrow down to a rounded point at the bottom.

Step 4: Sketch Odie’s Body

Just below the head, draw a smaller oval for Odie’s body. The body is somewhat compact and stout, which provides a nice contrast to Odie’s large head. Try to align the body oval centrally with the head oval, and remember, it’s okay if it isn’t perfect. The goal is to depict Odie’s characteristic rounded body.

Step 5: Draw Odie’s Legs and Feet

Moving on to Odie’s legs, draw four vertical lines coming down from the body for his legs. The two lines on the left will serve as his left front and back legs, and the two lines on the right will be his right front and back legs. Remember, Odie’s back legs are longer and straighter, while his front legs are shorter and slightly curved. At the end of each leg line, add an oval shape to represent his paws.

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Step 6: Sketch Odie’s Tail

Odie’s tail is a distinctive feature. It’s long, skinny, and slightly curved, much like a whip. Begin by drawing a curved line extending upwards from the back of his body. Then, draw a parallel line to the first, mimicking its curve. The tail should be thicker at the base (where it connects to the body) and taper to a thin point at the end.

Step 7: Draw Odie’s Face

Odie’s face is full of expressions, so let’s capture that. Within the head oval, draw two large circles for Odie’s eyes and fill them in, leaving a small white dot in each for the gleam. Then, draw a big oval below and in between the eyes for his nose and fill it in. For his wide, happy mouth, draw a large U-shape that starts and ends at the bottom of the head oval. Inside this mouth shape, add a semi-circle at the bottom to represent his tongue.

odie drawing 3D from garfield

Step 8: Erase Extra Lines

This is the cleanup stage. Now that we have our main shapes in place, use your eraser to clean up any additional lines or marks that were made during the sketching process. This step helps refine your drawing, making it clearer and ready for coloring.

Step 9: Color Odie

It’s coloring time! Use your yellow colored pencil or crayon to color Odie’s body, head, and tail. Then, use your brown color to shade the tips of his ears and tail, giving them some depth. For his tongue, use a pink or light red color. Finally, use your black color to fill in his nose and the inside of his mouth, but make sure you leave the tongue as is.

Odie Drawing

FAQs for Drawing Odie from Garfield

Who is Odie from Garfield?

Odie is a main character in the famous “Garfield” comic strip by Jim Davis. Known for his boundless energy and simple-mindedness, Odie is a lovable, often slobbering, dog who lives with the lasagna-loving cat, Garfield, and their owner Jon Arbuckle.

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How can kids draw Odie easily?

Kids can easily draw Odie by following a step-by-step tutorial that breaks down the drawing process into manageable stages. This typically involves starting with basic shapes to create a rough outline of Odie, followed by adding details like his eyes, ears, and tail, before finally coloring him in.

What color is Odie?

Odie is primarily yellow. However, the tips of his ears and tail are brown, and his nose and the inside of his mouth are black. His tongue is usually depicted as a light red or pink.

What does Odie look like?

Odie is a small dog with a large head compared to his body. He has big, expressive eyes, a wide smile, and a long tongue that often hangs out of his mouth. His ears are long and droop down the sides of his head, and he has a long, thin tail that usually stands straight up.

Who should draw Odie from Garfield?

Anyone who enjoys drawing, loves the “Garfield” comic strip, or wants to practice their artistic skills can draw Odie from Garfield. The process can be simplified for young children or made more complex for experienced artists, making it a versatile drawing exercise.

What breed is Odie from Garfield?

In the comic strip, Odie’s breed is not explicitly mentioned, but he resembles a dachshund or beagle with his long ears and short legs. It’s the comic’s unique style and Odie’s specific features, such as his large, round eyes and tongue that’s often sticking out, that make him easily recognizable.

Make Your Odie Drawing Unique!

unique drawing of odie from garfield


You’ve completed our how to draw Odie from Garfield tutorial. We hope you enjoyed this Odie drawing tutorial and that you’re feeling proud of your work. Remember, drawing is all about practice and patience, so don’t be discouraged if your first few attempts aren’t perfect. Keep trying, and soon, you’ll see progress. Thank you for joining us in this artistic journey, and we can’t wait to see your fantastic Odie drawings.