How to Draw Pikachu – Step-By-Step Tutorial

how to draw pikachu step by step tutorial

First, draw a circle that will be Pikachu’s head. Second, draw two oval-shaped ears on the top of the head that comes to a point at the top. Third, draw a small upside-down triangle nose, and two circle eyes with a pupil in the center, and color the very top triangle of the ears. Fourth, draw the mouth and one small circle on each cheek. Fifth, draw the body at the bottom of the head along with small arms and fingers. Pikachu’s body is rounded and it looks similar to a rounded rectangle that gets wider at the bottom. Sixth, draw the feet at the bottom of Pikachu’s body, which are small shapes with a few toe lines. Seventh, draw Pikachu’s unique lightning bolt tail. Eighth, color Pikachu to match his unique yellow, red, and black look. Only his cheeks should be colored red and Pikachu is mostly yellow.

Step-By-Step Pikachu Drawing Tutorial

Pikachu is one of the most popular and beloved characters in the world of anime and manga. This electric-type Pokémon has captured the hearts of fans of all ages, and many people love to draw this adorable creature. In this blog post, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to draw Pikachu.

Materials Needed for Drawing Pikachu

Before we start drawing, it’s important to gather all the necessary materials. You’ll need a piece of paper, a pencil, an eraser, and colored pencils or markers if you want to add color to your drawing.

Step 1: Sketch the Basic Shapes of Pikachu’s Head and Body

The first step in drawing Pikachu is to sketch the basic shapes. Start by drawing a circle for the head, followed by a large, rounded rectangle-shaped body that is larger at the bottom than the top.

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Step 2: Draw Pikachu’s Feet, Toes, Arms, and Fingers

Add two small ovals for Pikachu’s feet, and two longer ovals for its arms. The feet are very small and Pikachu does not have any legs. You can draw a few lines to represent toes. The arms are very short and the fingers are represented by small triangle shapes.

Step 3: Draw Pikachu’s Unique Tail

Draw Pikachu’s lightning bolt-shaped tail. It’s very easy to draw and you can draw three rectangles and then connect them for the tail.

Step 4: Adding Details to Pikachu

Now that you have the basic shapes, it’s time to add details. Draw Pikachu’s eyes, nose, and cheeks using smaller circles and ovals. Add the mouth by drawing a curved line below the nose. Don’t forget to add the lines on Pikachu’s cheeks that signify its electric powers. Finally, draw Pikachu’s toes and claws, and add a bit of fur to its cheeks.

Step 5: Coloring Pikachu

Now that you have finished drawing Pikachu, it’s time to add some color. Pikachu’s fur is yellow, so color the entire body is yellow. Color the ears, lightning bolt-shaped tail, and cheeks with a light pink color. Finally, use black to color the eyes, nose, and mouth. You can use colored pencils or markers to add shading and texture to Pikachu’s fur.

Step 6: Final Touches

Now that you’ve added color to your drawing, it’s time to add some final touches. Add some highlights to Pikachu’s eyes to make them look more alive. You can also add some shadows to Pikachu’s fur to give it more depth and dimension.

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In Summary

Drawing Pikachu is a fun and easy way to get started with anime and manga drawing. With the right materials and following these steps, you can create your own adorable Pikachu. Don’t forget to practice and experiment with different styles and techniques to find what works best for you. With time and patience, you can become an expert at drawing this iconic character.