How to Draw Winnie The Pooh’s Face – Step-By-Step Tutorial

how to draw winnie the poohs face

First, draw the outline of the face by starting with a rounded top and the chin at the bottom. Second, draw the ear outlines on the top of the head and Pooh’s neck. Third, draw a nose and a nose bridge. Fourth, draw a smile, eyes, and eyebrows. Fifth, draw a smile and a tongue in Pooh’s mouth.

Welcome to another “how to draw” post! This one is all about Winnie the Pooh’s face. I’ll show you how to draw the character’s eyes and nose, and we’ll wrap it up with some tips for drawing his mouth. Let’s get started!

Draw the face shape.

To draw the face shape, draw a circle for the head.

  • Draw a triangle shape for the nose.
  • Draw two ovals for the eyes. These should be slightly smaller than the first one you drew and with rounded edges at their tops and bottoms. These are made up of three curved lines, but don’t be afraid to make them messy in order to get your desired expression!
  • Finally, draw a heart shape for Winnie’s mouth—this will help define him in relation to his surroundings as part of his character design!

Draw the ears.

  • Draw a circle for the ear.
  • Then, draw an oval inside that circle.
  • Make sure that both circles are roughly the same size, and place them on the side of his head about 1/3 of the way down from his forehead.
  • The ears should be about as wide as they are tall, so if you want to make sure your Winnie Pooh drawings look accurate, try drawing out this shape first with a ruler or some sort of measuring device (like a pencil) before you draw it in.
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Draw the nose.

When drawing Winnie the Pooh’s face, you first need to draw a circle. The circle should be about as big as the size of his nose so that it is proportional to his head. Next, draw a line down the middle of the circle with your pencil. This will be his nose; it should be slightly curved and come down at an angle from the tip where you placed your triangle.

Next, add in some fur on each side of his nose so that it looks like he has eyebrows above his eyes. Use light strokes for this step because dark colors will make him look older than he actually is! Finally, color in both sides with darker colors like black or blue (I used blue) so that they’re not too bright against each other when you’re done painting them later on.”

Draw and color in the eyes.

Draw the eyes. Use a black marker to draw Winnie’s eyes. The pupils should be small and circular and should be above the nose and below the eyebrows. The eyes should be wide and round.

Outline Winnie’s head and add some fur to it.

Outline the head and ears.

Winnie’s head is round, so draw a circle about the size of the one on this template. Add some fur around his ear flaps to make them really fuzzy.

how to draw winnie the poohs face

Add the jacket collar to Winnie’s neck.

The jacket collar is one of the most important features in this drawing! In order to draw Winnie’s jacket collar, you’ll need to add a line from his neck to the bottom of his head. Then, add two more lines for the top and bottom of his chin. Finally, color in all four lines with your pencils so that they appear solid and dark.

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Now that we’ve added Winnie’s shirt and jacket collar, let’s move on to drawing his other features.

Winnie has a pretty simple face, so he should be easy to draw!

Winnie the Pooh is a teddy bear and also a cartoon character created by A.A. Milne. He has appeared in several movies, including the Disney animated feature The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977).

Winnie the Pooh has a simple face that’s easy to draw. He has big eyes, a small nose, and large ears on top of his head.

winnie the poohs face


Now you’re ready to try drawing your own Winnie the Pooh! All you need to do is follow the steps above and you will be able to draw it perfect.