How to Draw a Kawaii Panda

how to draw a kawaii panda

If you’re fond of all things cute and enjoy drawing, this is the perfect guide for you. Welcome to our step-by-step ‘how to draw a kawaii panda’ tutorial. This kawaii panda drawing tutorial is super simple and perfect for kids, making the art of drawing accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Don’t worry if you’re a beginner, by the end of this guide, you’ll have a delightful and adorable kawaii panda drawing.

colorful cute drawing of a kawaii panda

Step 1: Draw a Circle for the Panda’s Head

Start by drawing a circle in the middle of your page. This will form the panda’s head. It doesn’t have to be a perfect circle; a slightly squarish one can also give a cute look!

Step 2: Draw Two Bigger Circles for the Eyes

Inside the circle, towards the top, draw two large circles for the panda’s eyes. These should be wide apart, and each circle will eventually become the darker patch where the panda’s eyes are located.

Step 3: Draw Two Smaller Circles Inside the Eyes

Inside the two larger circles you just drew, add two smaller circles. These smaller circles will be the actual eyes of the panda.

Step 4: Draw Two Tiny Circles Inside the Smaller Circles

Inside the smaller circles, draw two tiny circles for the shine in the panda’s eyes. This gives our panda a lively, adorable expression.

Step 5: Draw a Small Triangle for the Nose

Below the eyes, towards the middle of the face, draw a small, upside-down triangle to create the panda’s nose.

black and white kawaii panda drawing

Step 6: Draw a W-Shaped Mouth

Just below the nose, draw a W shape to form a cute mouth. It should look like a tiny bird in flight, symbolizing a happy smile.

Step 7: Draw Two Ovals for the Ears

On the sides of the circle (the head), draw two oval shapes to form the panda’s ears. These ovals should be somewhat pointy at the top.

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Step 8: Draw the Panda’s Body

Beneath the head, draw a bigger, rounded shape (like a squished circle or oval) to form the panda’s body.

Step 9: Draw the Panda’s Arms and Legs

For the panda’s arms, draw two U shapes on either side of the body. The arms should be short and plump. For the legs, add two slightly larger U shapes at the bottom of the body.

Step 10: Draw the Panda’s Feet

At the end of the leg lines, add little oval shapes for the feet.

pink and white kawaii panda drawing

Step 11: Erase Extra Lines

Now it’s time to clean up your drawing. Use your eraser to get rid of any unnecessary lines or overlaps. This step will give your panda drawing a cleaner look.

Step 12: Color Your Panda

Now it’s coloring time! Use your black crayon or colored pencil to color the panda’s ears, eye patches, arms, legs, and feet. The rest of the panda (face and body) should be left white to represent the panda’s distinctive fur pattern.

Kawaii Panda Drawings

FAQs for Drawing a Kawaii Panda

What is a Kawaii Panda?

A Kawaii Panda is a stylized version of a panda bear, drawn in the “kawaii” style. Kawaii is a Japanese word that translates to “cute” or “adorable,” and in art, it refers to a style that is characterized by cute, simple, and exaggerated features, often used in anime and manga.

How can kids draw a Kawaii Panda easily?

Kids can draw a Kawaii Panda easily by starting with basic shapes, like circles and ovals, to form the body, head, and features of the panda. They can then add details such as the eyes, ears, and mouth, and color it in, typically using just black and white. Following a step-by-step tutorial can make the process even easier.

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What color is a Kawaii Panda?

A Kawaii Panda is typically black and white, mirroring the colors of a real panda bear. The body, face, and ears are usually white, while the limbs, ear tips, and eye patches are black.

What does a Kawaii Panda look like?

A Kawaii Panda looks like a simplified, stylized version of a panda. It usually has a large, round head, big eyes with shiny highlights, a small mouth, and a round body. Its limbs are often depicted as short and rounded for a cute, cuddly appearance.

Who should draw a Kawaii Panda?

Anyone who enjoys drawing and is interested in the kawaii style can draw a Kawaii Panda. This includes kids, teenagers, and adults. Since the kawaii style simplifies complex shapes into more manageable ones, it’s a great way for beginners to practice their drawing skills.

how to draw a cute kawaii panda

How to Draw a Kawaii Panda Videos

Video #1

Video #2


You’ve made it to the end of our how to draw a kawaii panda guide. It’s incredible to see how simple shapes can come together to create such an adorable drawing. This kawaii panda drawing tutorial is a great way to ignite your creativity and improve your drawing skills. Remember, it’s okay if your first attempt doesn’t look perfect. The beauty of drawing lies in learning, experimenting, and having fun along the way. We’re excited to see your cute kawaii panda drawings.