How to Draw Kawaii Candy

how to draw kawaii candy

Welcome to this fun-filled journey of learning how to draw a kawaii candy. If you’re someone who enjoys all things cute and artistic, then you’re in the right place. Our kawaii candy drawing tutorial will guide you step-by-step, showing you how to create adorable, cheerful candies on paper. Remember, the joy of drawing lies not just in the outcome, but in the process itself. So, get ready to pick up your pencils, let your imagination soar and create some cute kawaii candies.

kawaii candy drawing tutorial

Step 1: Draw the Kawaii Candy’s Main Body

Let’s start by drawing the body of our kawaii candy. For this, we’re going to draw a horizontally stretched oval in the middle of your paper. This will form the base of our candy.

Step 2: Draw the Kawaii Candy Wrappers

At the ends of the oval, draw two small, almost parallel lines on each side. From the top of these lines, draw a slightly curved line to the other end, which will look a bit like a rainbow. These lines will create the appearance of the candy wrapper.

how to draw a kawaii candy from scratch

Step 3: Draw the Wrapper Tails of your Kawaii Candy

Now, let’s add the ends of the candy wrapper. For this, draw two large curves on both ends of the candy, similar to what a water wave would look like. These are the tails of the wrapper.

Step 4: Add the Facial Features to Your Kawaii Candy Drawing

To give our candy that adorable kawaii look, we need to add some facial features. In the center of the oval, draw two large circles for eyes, and leave a small white circle inside each eye for reflections to give it that gleaming, lively look. Just below the eyes, draw a small, cute mouth – a simple curved line will do!

cute kawaii candy drawing for kids

Step 5: Draw the Cheeks

For extra cuteness, let’s add some rosy cheeks. On each side of the face, just under and slightly to the side of each eye, draw a small, rounded blush mark.

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Step 6: Time to Color

Now, it’s time to bring our kawaii candy to life with some color! You can color the candy any shade you like – maybe pink, yellow, or blue. Make sure to color the ends of the wrappers a little lighter to give the impression of shiny, crinkly paper. The eyes are typically black with white highlights, and the cheeks could be a soft pink.

Kawaii Candy Drawing

kawaii candy in a wrapper

FAQs about Drawing a Cute Kawaii Candy

What is a Kawaii Candy?

A Kawaii Candy is a drawing of a candy with a cute and adorable expression. It’s part of the “Kawaii” style, a Japanese concept known for its cuteness and charm. These drawings often feature bright colors and cheerful faces.

What does Kawaii mean when Drawing?

When it comes to drawing, “Kawaii” is a style that originated in Japan and is characterized by cuteness and adorability. Kawaii drawings often feature simple shapes, bright colors, and cute facial expressions, creating an overall sense of joy and innocence.

What does a Cute Kawaii Candy look like?

A cute Kawaii Candy looks like a cheerful, adorable piece of candy. It typically features a simple, colorful candy shape with a happy face. The face often includes large, bright eyes, a small mouth, and rosy cheeks, giving it a friendly, lovable appearance.

kawaii candy drawing 1

Who should draw a Kawaii Candy?

Anyone who enjoys drawing and is interested in the Kawaii style can draw a Kawaii Candy. It’s especially fun for kids because of its simplicity, brightness, and positivity. But, adults who enjoy drawing cute illustrations can also have a great time creating Kawaii Candies.

kawaii candy drawing

How can I teach kids to draw Kawaii Candies easily?

Teaching kids to draw Kawaii Candies can be easy and fun. Start with simple shapes and gradually add details like the face and wrappers. Make sure to keep the instructions simple and encourage them to use bright colors. Remind them that it’s about having fun and being creative, so there’s no right or wrong way to create their Kawaii Candy.

cute kawaii lollipop drawing

How can I make my Kawaii Candy Drawing Unique?

Making your Kawaii Candy drawing unique can be as simple as playing around with colors, shapes, and expressions. Try giving your candy different facial expressions or draw them in unusual shapes. You could also experiment with different types of candy, like a candy cane or a lollipop. The key is to let your imagination run wild and have fun with it!

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VIDEO: How to Draw a Kawaii Candy


You’ve successfully learned how to draw a kawaii candy. By following our kawaii candy drawing tutorial, you’ve brought to life a cute and colorful candy, filled with charm and cheerfulness. The skills you’ve gained here can be applied to create more kawaii characters, opening up a world of adorable possibilities. Remember, the key to improving is to keep practicing.