How to Draw a Kawaii Taco – Step-By-Step Tutorial

step by step kawaii taco drawing tutorial

Start by drawing an open rounded circle with the bottom of it open. Next, draw another rounded shape around your initial circle with a flat bottom. After that, start drawing the fillings of your kawaii taco. Then, on the front of the shell, draw a mustache and two eyes on the sides of the mustache. Finish filling the taco so it looks like it has meat, tomatoes, and lettuce. Finally, color in your taco using brown for the taco shell and color the fillings as well.

You can find our realistic taco drawing tutorial here.

Step-By-Step Kawaii Taco Drawing Tutorial

  1. Start by drawing the base of the taco, which will be a large, curved line that forms the shape of a taco shell.
  2. Next, draw two smaller, curved lines inside the taco shell to create the appearance of folded layers of tortilla.
  3. Add the fillings for the taco by drawing small, simple shapes inside the taco shell. You can use circles for beans, triangles for lettuce, and squares for cheese, for example.
  4. To make the taco look cute and kawaii, you can give it a large, simple face. You can draw two small circles for eyes, a larger circle for a nose, and a smile using a curved line.
  5. Finally, you can add any additional details or decorations to your taco, like a hat or a pair of sunglasses, to make it even more humorous and adorable.
2 different kawaii taco drawings

Best Tips For Drawing a Cute Kawaii Taco

Start with a rounded triangle for the shell and a smaller triangle for the filling. Add a friendly mouth and big, round eyes with highlights. Draw arms, legs, or accessories like bows or hearts to make it cute. Use shell, lettuce, and other parts in warm, bright colors. Lastly, add shading to your taco to make it look like it has depth.

See also  How to Draw a Kawaii Milk Carton

In Summary

Drawing a kawaii taco is a fun and easy way to show how creative you are and how much you like cute and quirky things. By following the tips in this article, you can make your own cute kawaii taco character that will make anyone smile. So, grab your pencils and get ready to draw the cutest taco in town, whether you’re an experienced artist or just starting out.