How to Draw a Kawaii Cupcake – Step-By-Step Tutorial

Follow our easy tutorial and you will have your own kawaii cupcake drawing! This is a great instructional article to teach kids how to draw a kawaii cupcake.

First, draw a rounded top shape for the top of the cupcake. You can use wavy lines with a curved tip at the very top of the cupcake to show the icing. Underneath your initial rounded shape, draw an upside-down trapezoid shape. All you have to do next is draw several circles within your trapezoid shape and give the top portion a cute kawaii face. You can color your cupcake bright and beautiful colors to make it your own.

2 kawaii cupcake drawings

Step-By-Step Kawaii Cupcake Drawing Tutorial

Kawaii means “cute” in Japanese, and Kawaii style is known for its adorable, childlike drawings. Kawaii style is characterized by the use of pastel colors, simple shapes, and big, expressive eyes. Kawaii style is popular in anime, manga, and Japanese pop culture. If you’re new to Kawaii style, start by studying the basic shapes and colors used in Kawaii drawings.

Kawaii cupcakes are a popular subject for artists because they’re easy to draw and look adorable. In this tutorial, we’ll use Kawaii style to draw a cupcake with cute expressions and details.

Before we begin, gather your drawing materials. You’ll need a pencil, eraser, fine-tip black marker, and colored pencils or markers.

Step 1 – Sketch the Kawaii Cupcake Base

Start by drawing a circle for the base of the cupcake. Make the circle as big or small as you like, depending on how big you want your cupcake to be. Next, draw a smaller circle on top of the base circle for the top of the cupcake.

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Connect the two circles with a curved line to create the cupcake wrapper. Make the line wavy to give the cupcake wrapper texture.

Use your eraser to clean up any stray lines or mistakes.

Step 2 – Draw the Kawaii Cupcake Face

Draw two big, circular eyes near the top of the cupcake. Add eyelashes to make the eyes look extra cute.

Next, draw a small triangle for the nose and a curved line for the mouth. Add a small blush mark to each cheek to give the cupcake a rosy glow.

2 different kawaii cupcake illustrations

Step 3 – Decorate the Kawaii Cupcake

Now it’s time to decorate the cupcake! Draw sprinkles on top of the cupcake by drawing small lines in different colors. Add a cherry on top of the cupcake by drawing a small circle with a short, curved line for the stem.

You can also draw other decorations on the cupcake, like frosting swirls, hearts, or stars. Be creative and have fun with it!

Step 4 – Color the Kawaii Cupcake

Use your colored pencils or markers to color the cupcake. Use pastel colors for a classic Kawaii look. Color the cupcake wrapper, frosting, and other decorations in different colors.

Use a darker color to color the eyes and add shading to the cupcake to give it depth. Use a lighter color to add highlights to the cupcake.

Step 5 – Adding Details to Your Kawaii Cupcake

Add details to the cupcake to make it look more realistic. Draw small lines on the cupcake wrapper to give it texture. Add shadows under the cupcake and the cherry to make them look like they’re sitting on a surface.

You can also add other details, like a plate or a background.

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Step 6 – Tips for Drawing Kawaii Cupcakes

Here are some tips to keep in mind as you draw Kawaii cupcakes: – Keep the shapes simple and rounded.
– Use pastel colors for a classic Kawaii look.
– Add big, expressive eyes to make the cupcake look cute.
– Experiment with different decorations, like sprinkles, hearts, or stars.
– Have fun and be creative!

The more you practice drawing Kawaii cupcakes, the better you’ll get! Try drawing different types of cupcakes, like chocolate or vanilla, or add more decorations to make them look even cuter.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes – that’s how you learn! Keep practicing and you’ll soon be a Kawaii cupcake drawing pro.

Have Fun and Make Your Kawaii Cupcake Your Own

Drawing Kawaii cupcakes is a fun and easy way to practice your drawing skills. Kawaii style is all about cuteness and simplicity, so don’t worry too much about making your drawings perfect. Just have fun and enjoy the process!

Remember to gather your materials, sketch the base, draw the face, decorate the cupcake, color it in, add details, and practice!

In Summary

Now that you know how to draw a Kawaii cupcake step-by-step, it’s time to get creative! Draw different types of cupcakes, experiment with different decorations, and have fun with it. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep drawing and improving your skills. Happy drawing!