How to Draw a Fire Truck

how to draw a fire truck

If you’ve been wondering how to draw a fire truck or how to draw a fire engine, you’re in the right place. In this fire truck drawing tutorial, we’re going to take it step by step, making it easy for anyone to follow along, even beginners. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to create your own fire truck drawing.

step by step fire truck drawing tutorial

Step 1: Draw the Main Body of the Fire Truck

Begin by drawing a long rectangle on your paper. This rectangle will serve as the main body of the fire truck. Make sure to keep the lines light, as you will add details and make adjustments as you go along.

Step 2: Add the Fire Truck Cabin

On the left end of the rectangle (assuming the fire truck is facing to the right), draw a smaller, vertical rectangle. This will serve as the cabin where the firefighters sit. Remember, it should be tall enough for windows and a door.

fire truck drawing

Step 3: Draw the Fire Truck Wheels

Next, draw two large circles below the main body for the wheels. Make sure they are large enough to support the fire truck. Then, draw two smaller circles inside the larger ones for the inner part of the tires.

Step 4: Draw Ladders and Hoses on your Fire Truck

On top of the main body, draw two long, thin rectangles. These will represent the ladders. Additionally, you can draw a coiled spiral shape beside the cabin to represent a hose.

Step 5: Draw the Windows and Door to the Fire Truck

Inside the cabin rectangle, draw two squares for windows, and a rectangular shape for the door. You can add small rectangles inside these shapes for the door handles.

Step 6: Add Lights and Sirens to your Fire Truck

On top of the cabin, draw two small, oval shapes for the flashing lights. You can also add a tiny rectangle in between to represent the siren.

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Step 7: Draw Fire Truck Details

On the sides of the main body, add some horizontal lines to show compartments. You can also add a fire department logo or any other details you wish to include, like a number or a badge.

2 firetruck drawings for advanced artists

Step 8: Finalize the Fire Truck Drawing

Once you’re happy with the shape and details of your fire truck, go over your drawing with a darker pencil or pen to finalize it. Then, erase any unnecessary lines.

Step 9: Color Your Fire Truck

Finally, grab some colors and start coloring your fire truck. Traditionally, fire trucks are red, but feel free to use whatever colors you like. Remember to color the wheels black or grey, the ladders and hoses white or silver, and the lights usually a mix of blue and red.

fire truck drawing to follow for reference when learning how to draw a fire truck

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FAQs For Drawing a Fire Truck

What is a Firetruck?

A firetruck, also known as a fire engine, is a large, specialized vehicle used by firefighters to transport them to the scene of a fire. It is equipped with firefighting equipment, ladders, water pumps, and hoses to extinguish fires and perform rescue operations.

What Color are Firetrucks?

Firetrucks are usually red, which makes them easily noticeable in traffic. However, the color can vary depending on the region and specific fire department. Some firetrucks can be yellow, white, blue, or even green.

What does a Firetruck look like?

A firetruck typically has a long, rectangular shape with large wheels. It features multiple compartments for storing firefighting equipment, a ladder attached to its top or side, and hoses. It also has flashing lights and sirens on top.

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Who should draw a Firetruck?

Anyone who is interested in vehicles, firefighting, or just enjoys drawing can draw a firetruck. It can be a fun and educational drawing activity for kids, helping them understand the importance of these vehicles in our society.

firetruck drawings advanced

How can I teach kids to draw Firetrucks easily?

To teach kids to draw firetrucks easily, you can break down the process into simple, manageable steps. Start with basic shapes like rectangles and squares for the truck body, circles for the wheels, and then gradually add in the details like ladders, hoses, and lights.

What are the different parts of a Firetruck I need to draw?

When drawing a firetruck, you’ll need to draw the main body (which is a large rectangle), the cabin for the firefighters, the wheels, and the ladder. You may also want to include details like the hoses, compartments for equipment, flashing lights on top, and perhaps even some firefighting logos or insignias.

Video: How To Draw a Fire Truck


You’ve successfully learned how to draw a fire truck. Remember, the key to a great drawing is practicing and enjoying the process. Don’t worry if your first fire truck doesn’t look perfect. The more you draw, the better you’ll get. So, keep this fire truck drawing tutorial handy and draw whenever you feel like it. Soon, you’ll be able to draw fire trucks without even needing a guide. Just keep practicing and most importantly, keep having fun with your truck drawings.