How to Draw a Kawaii Penguin – Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Draw a Kawaii Penguin

First, draw an oval shape with a flat bottom. Then, draw the same shape on the inside of your initial shape with a U shape at the very top of your inner shape for the head and belly. Next, draw the penguin’s eyes, cheeks, and nose. After that, draw the bottom of a Santa hat on your penguin along with a scarf outline across its body. In the next step, finish drawing the Christmas hat on top of your penguin and draw the feet at the bottom of the body. Finish the scarf and color in the penguin using black, white, red, and blue in the different areas. Now, you have a winter kawaii-style penguin that would be fit for the Holiday season.

kawaii penguin drawings

Step-By-Step Kawaii Penguin Drawing Tutorial

  1. Start by drawing an oval for the head and a smaller oval for the body. These ovals should be connected by a small circle for the neck.
  2. Draw two circles for the eyes, and a small triangle for the beak.
  3. Add two small circles for the cheeks and a small curved line for the mouth.
  4. Draw two short, curved lines for the wings, and a long, curved line for the tail.
  5. Add two small circles for the feet, and a few small lines to define the feathers.
  6. Finally, erase any unnecessary lines and add any final details like shading or color.

1 Tip For Drawing a Cute Kawaii Penguin

Concentrate on producing a basic and rounded contour for the body and head while drawing a cute kawaii penguin. Give the penguin a cute and pleasant expression by using big, expressive eyes and a short, round beak. To improve the kawaii appearance, add finishing touches like eyelashes and tiny, fluffy feathers around the head and neck. To further enhance the cuteness of the penguin, think of incorporating minor finishing touches like a bow or scarf.