How to Draw an Avocado

how to draw avocado

Welcome to our step-by-step guide on drawing an avocado! Whether you’re a seasoned artist looking for a quick sketch idea or a beginner seeking to sharpen your drawing skills, this guide is perfect for you. Avocados, with their unique shape and vibrant color, make an interesting and fun subject to draw. So, grab your pencils, and paper, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of drawing by creating a simple, yet impressive, avocado illustration.

avocado drawing for reference

Step 1: Draw the Basic Shape of the Avocado

Start by lightly sketching a simple oval shape on your paper, but make one end of the oval slightly pointed. This will form the basic shape of your avocado. Remember that it doesn’t have to be perfect; avocados come in all shapes and sizes!

outline drawing of an avocado step 1

Step 2: Refine the Shape

Refine the shape of the avocado. The bottom should be slightly wider than the top. Make sure the top of the avocado tapers to a point. Erase any unnecessary lines from the initial sketch.

Step 3: Draw the Inner Seed

About a third of the way down from the top of the avocado, draw a smaller circle. This will represent the seed of the avocado. Make sure that it’s centered on your avocado.

step 3 drawing of avocado seed

Step 4: Draw the Outline of the Avocado

Once you’re happy with the basic shape of the avocado and the position of the seed, go over your sketch with a darker pencil or pen to create a solid outline.

Step 5: Draw Details

Add more details to your drawing. You can add a stem at the top of the avocado and draw some lines around the seed to show that it’s embedded in the flesh of the fruit.

Step 6: Erase Guidelines

Erase any original guidelines that are still visible. By now, your drawing should look like a clean outline of an avocado with its seed.

Step 7: Color the Avocado

Now it’s time to color your avocado. Use two shades of green for the flesh – a lighter green for the inside near the seed and a darker green for the outer flesh. Remember to leave a thin white space around the seed to represent the light reflecting off the smooth surface of the seed.

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Step 8: Add Final Details and Shading

To make the avocado look three-dimensional, add some shading. Use a darker green to shade the bottom and the side of the avocado. For the seed, use a light brown color. Add some shadows to give it depth.

full avocado drawing 2

3 Tips for Teaching Kids How to Draw an Avocado

  1. Start with Basic Shapes: Explain to the child that most objects can be broken down into simple shapes. For an avocado, start with a larger oval for the body and a smaller circle for the seed. This makes the process less overwhelming and more manageable.
  2. Use Guiding Lines: Encourage the child to use light, guiding lines to help with the shape and positioning of the avocado and seed. These lines can be erased later, so there’s no need to worry about making mistakes.
  3. Make it Fun: Lastly, make the process fun and engaging. Let them add a face or arms to the avocado, turning it into a character. This adds a fun element to the activity and sparks their creativity. Remember to praise their efforts and let them know it’s okay if their drawing isn’t “perfect”. The goal is to enjoy the process and express themselves creatively.
avocado drawing 1

FAQs for Drawing an Avocado

What is an avocado?

An avocado is a fruit that originates from South Central Mexico. It’s known for its creamy texture and high nutritional value, containing healthy fats and a variety of essential nutrients, making it a popular choice in many cuisines around the world.

How do I draw an avocado easily?

To draw an avocado easily, you can start by sketching a basic oval shape with one end slightly pointed. Then, add a circle inside for the seed. Refine the shape of the avocado and the seed, add details like the stem, and outline the sketch in a darker line. Finally, erase any guidelines and add color.

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What color is an avocado?

An avocado is typically green on the outside and a lighter, creamier green on the inside. The seed in the middle is a light brown color. The shade of green can vary depending on the type of avocado and its ripeness.

2 example drawings of avocados with seed

Is drawing an avocado a good lesson for kids?

Yes, drawing an avocado is a great lesson for kids. It involves simple shapes and lines, making it an easy subject for beginners. Plus, it’s a fun way to teach kids about different fruits and their shapes, and it can also be a starting point for discussions about healthy eating.

How do I draw a cartoon avocado?

To draw a cartoon avocado, start with the basic shape of an avocado. Make the seed larger, and add eyes and a smile to the seed for a cute effect. You can also add small arms and legs to make the avocado look like a character. Remember to use bold lines for a cartoonish effect.

sliced open avocado drawing with seed and avocado flesh

How do I draw an avocado tree?

Start by drawing the trunk of the tree using two parallel lines that taper at the bottom. Then, draw the branches extending from the trunk. For the leaves, draw large ovals scattered around the branches. Add some small oval shapes to represent avocados hanging from the tree. Remember to add texture to the trunk and shading to give your tree a three-dimensional look.

Avocado Drawing Videos


Congratulations on completing your avocado drawing! We hope this step-by-step guide has helped you understand the basics of drawing and given you the confidence to explore your artistic side. Remember, practice is key in mastering any skill. So, don’t stop here – continue to draw, refine, and experiment. Happy drawing, and we can’t wait to see what you create next. With every sketch and every line, you’re becoming a better artist. Stay creative!

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