How to Draw a Tomato

how to draw a tomato step by step

Today, we’re learning how to draw something cool – a tomato! Yes, a tomato is actually a fruit! Our guide on ‘how to draw a Tomato’ is easy and fun, even for little kids. With our Tomato drawing tutorial, you’ll be able to show off your drawing skills to your family and friends.

drawing of 2 tomatoes to reference when learning how to draw a tomato

Step 1: Draw the Basic Shape of the Tomato

Tomatoes are not perfectly round but a bit squished like an oval. So let’s start by drawing a simple, squished oval shape on your paper. Don’t worry if it’s not perfect, a tomato comes in many shapes and sizes!

Step 2: Draw the Top of the Tomato

Now, we will add the area where the stem connects to the tomato. At the top of your oval, draw a smaller, upside-down U shape.

Step 3: Draw the Stem of the Tomato

Right above the small U shape, draw a short vertical line for the stem. At the end of that line, make a small circle to finish the stem.

Step 4: Add the Leaf to the Tomato Stem

Draw a little leaf sticking out from the stem. You can start by drawing a small slanted oval. Then, add some jagged lines along the sides of the oval to make it look like a leaf.

drawing of a tomato 1

Step 5: Add Details to the Tomato

Tomatoes usually have a little indent at the top, where the stem is. To draw this, make a curved line from one side of the U shape to the other.

Step 6: Draw the Tomato’s Shine

Draw a small curved line on one side of the tomato to show that it’s shiny. This makes it look more 3D and realistic.

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Reference Real Photos of Tomatoes to Improve Your Drawing

reference real pictures of tomatoes to make your drawing more realistic

Step 7: Erase Extra Lines

Now, we erase any extra lines. For example, erase the part of the oval that’s inside the U shape at the top of the tomato.

Step 8: Color the Tomato

It’s time to add some color to our tomato drawing. Grab your red color for the body of the tomato, and green for the stem and leaf. Remember to leave the part we marked for shine white or color it in very lightly with your color.

Tomato Drawing

Tomato Drawing

FAQs for Drawing a Tomato

Is a Tomato a Fruit?

Yes, a tomato is technically a fruit! In botanical terms, a fruit is the mature ovary of a flowering plant, typically containing seeds, which certainly applies to tomatoes. However, in culinary contexts, tomatoes are often treated as a vegetable because of their savory flavor.

What Color is a Tomato?

Typically, a ripe tomato is bright red. However, tomatoes can come in a variety of other colors as well, including yellow, orange, green, purple, and even black. It all depends on the specific variety of tomato.

cartoon tomato drawing

What does a Tomato look like?

A tomato generally has a round, slightly squished shape with a small stem at the top. It usually features a noticeable indentation at the top where the stem connects to the fruit. The skin of a tomato is smooth, and it often has a noticeable shine.

Who should draw a Tomato?

Anyone who enjoys drawing or wants to learn how to draw can try their hand at drawing a tomato. It’s a simple and fun exercise for beginners, especially children, as it involves basic shapes and provides a good opportunity to practice shading.

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How can I teach kids to draw a Tomato easily?

You can teach kids to draw a tomato by starting with simple shapes. Begin with a squished oval for the body of the tomato, a small U shape for the top, and a vertical line with a small circle for the stem. Then, add a leaf and details like the indentation at the top and the shine on the side. Be sure to encourage them to observe real tomatoes to get a better understanding of their shape and color.

How do you draw a Tomato for Beginners?

Drawing a tomato for beginners can be broken down into simple steps. Start by drawing a squished oval for the body of the tomato. Add a small U shape for the top and a line with a small circle for the stem. Then draw a leaf on the stem. Add a curved line for the indentation at the top and another for the shine on the side. Finally, erase any extra lines and color in your drawing.

how to draw a tomato in a cartoon style

How to Draw a Tomato Videos

Video #1

Video #2


Great job! You now know how to draw a tomato. We hope you had fun and found our Tomato drawing tutorial simple to follow. You can now try drawing other fruits or veggies, just like creating a salad, but with art! Keep practicing your drawings, and remember, each tomato you draw helps you get better at drawing.

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