How to Draw a Taco – Step-By-Step Tutorial

how to draw a taco step by step

Start by drawing a half circle with a flat bottom. Next, draw rounded circle shapes on the top of your half circle. You should draw at least 8 rounded circles on the top of the half circle. Next, add several more circles on top of the first ones towards the right-hand side in the background. After that, draw the other side of the soft shell taco to show that the taco is enclosed with lettuce in the middle. Now, you can draw more fillings if you want including beef, chicken, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, and/or salsa. Finally, if you want to add a face to your taco you can do that now. Color in your taco with a light brown toasted shell and use realistic colors for the rest of the ingredients. You can look at the image below for another step-by-step taco drawing.

Step-By-Step Taco Drawing Tutorial

Are you ready to learn how to draw a tasty taco? Drawing a taco is a lot easier than you might think! Follow along with this step-by-step tutorial and you’ll be able to draw a delicious-looking taco in no time.

3 different taco drawings by a beginner and by an intermiate artist

Step 1: Draw the Taco Shell

The first step is to draw the taco shell. Start by drawing two curved lines that come together at the top, like a big U. Then draw two more lines that come together at the bottom to close it off. These lines should all be connected and form the outline of the taco shell.

Next, draw a few more lines inside the shell to give it more detail. These lines should be curved and make the taco look more realistic.

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Step 2: Draw the Taco Filling

Now it’s time to draw the filling of the taco. Start by drawing a few curved lines to make up the shape of the filling. You can draw any kind of filling you like, but for this tutorial, we’ll use ground beef.

Then draw a few smaller lines inside the filling to add texture. You can also draw some lettuce and tomatoes if you’d like.

2 realistic ground beef taco drawings

Step 3: Draw the Cheese

Cheese is an important part of a taco, so don’t forget to draw it! Start by drawing a few small curved lines on the top of the filling. Then draw a few more lines to make the cheese look more realistic.

You can also draw some grated cheese if you prefer. Just draw a few small lines on top of the cheese to make it look more realistic.

Step 4: Add the Final Details to Your Taco

Now it’s time to add the final details to make your taco look even more realistic. Draw a few lines on the edges of the taco shell to make it look more textured. You can also draw some sour cream or salsa on the top of the shell if you’d like.

Finally, draw some lines on the filling to make it look more realistic. You can add some small lines to make the filling look more textured.

Best Tips For Drawing a Taco

Pay attention to the details of the ingredients and the textures of the taco shell. For example, look at pictures of real tacos to see how the beef is cooked and what color it is, how the lettuce and tomato look and what color they are, how the sour cream is made, and how thick it is. Also, look at the taco shell’s texture, color, layers, and crispness of its shell.

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2 realistic street taco drawings

How to Draw a Kawaii Taco

You can view our detailed kawaii taco drawing tutorial here.

step by step kawaii taco drawing tutorial

In Summary

Drawing a taco is easy once you get the hang of it. A cartoon taco is much easier to draw than a realistic taco, but you need to keep practicing with shading and texture. Just remember to take your time and add as many details as you’d like. With a bit of practice, you’ll be able to draw a delicious-looking taco in no time!

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