How to Draw Donald Duck’s Head

how to draw donald ducks head

As someone with a passion for drawing, or maybe just a love for Donald Duck, you’re probably looking for a fun and simple way to bring your favorite cartoon character to life on paper. If that sounds like you, then this guide on how to draw Donald Duck’s head is just what you need. We’ve designed this Donald Duck’s head drawing tutorial with beginners and kids in mind, breaking down each step in a clear, easy-to-follow manner. So, grab your sketchbook, and your favorite drawing tools, and let’s get started.

Step 1: Draw the Basic Outline of Donald Duck’s Head

Start by drawing a circle, which will act as the base for Donald Duck’s head. Make sure this circle is big enough as it will represent the major part of the head including his cheeks.

Step 2: Add the Beak to Donald Duck’s Face

Now, add the beak. It is a big part of Donald Duck’s head. Draw two overlapping ovals at the bottom of the circle you drew for the head. The top oval is slightly bigger and wider. The bottom oval is thinner and taller. The overlap area will form Donald’s open mouth.

Step 3: Draw Donald’s Eyes

Right above the beak, draw two ovals side by side for the eyes. Remember, Donald Duck has big expressive eyes. Make sure to leave enough space between the eyes.

Step 4: Draw Donald Duck’s Hat

On top of the head, draw an upside-down U-shape for the brim of the hat. The sides of the U should touch the head circle. Above this shape, draw a trapezoid for the rest of the hat. The top of the trapezoid should be narrower than the bottom.

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Step 5: Draw the Eyebrows

Draw two curved lines above the eyes, slightly touching the hat. These will form Donald Duck’s eyebrows.

Step 6: Add Details to Donald Duck’s Face

Inside each eye, draw a smaller oval for the pupils. Add a curved line within the beak area to indicate the division of his upper and lower beak. Draw a small curve at the end of the mouth to denote his cheek.

Step 7: Outline and Finalize the Donald Duck Drawing

Now outline your sketch with a darker line. Erase any unnecessary lines from your initial sketches to clean up your drawing.

Step 8: Color Your Donald Duck Drawing

Color the head white, the hat and the collar blue, the beak and feet yellow-orange, and the eyes black and white for the pupils. Make sure to leave a small white dot in each pupil to indicate light reflection.

FAQs for Drawing Donald Duck’s Head

Who is Donald Duck?

Donald Duck is a classic cartoon character from the Walt Disney Company. Known for his distinctive voice and short temper, Donald is one of Disney’s most famous and beloved characters, starring in numerous cartoons, comic books, and movies since his creation in 1934.

What does Donald Duck look like?

Donald Duck is a white duck with a yellow-orange bill, legs, and feet. He is typically seen wearing a sailor shirt, cap, and a red bow tie, but no trousers except when he goes swimming. His iconic look is completed by his expressive eyes and ever-present mischievous smile.

What does Donald Duck’s Head and Face Look like?

Donald Duck’s head is round and white, with a large, long, yellow-orange bill. He has two oval-shaped eyes with black pupils, which are quite expressive and often shown squinting. His iconic look includes little black eyebrows that add to his wide range of facial expressions.

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How can I teach people to draw Donald Duck’s Head easily?

To teach people to draw Donald Duck’s head easily, you can break down the drawing process into small, manageable steps. Start with basic shapes to form the overall structure of the head, and then gradually add in the details like the eyes, eyebrows, and the bill. Practice and repetition will help in getting the proportions and expressions right. Utilizing drawing tutorials can be beneficial as they provide step-by-step instructions.


We’ve come to the end of our journey on how to draw Donald Duck’s head. With a bit of patience and practice, you’ve hopefully created a drawing you can be proud of. But don’t stop here. Continue to practice drawing Donald’s head from different angles and with different expressions.