How to Draw Music Notes – Step-By-Step Tutorial

how to draw music notes step by step

First, draw a swirl shape that will make up the middle of the music note. Start extending the top line and draw a rounded shape up with a rounded top. Then, draw a line from the rounded top straight down the center of the music note and swirl it at the bottom. Now the hard part: You need to draw your music note again so it has two sides. You can also take your initial music note and bold it. The main thing to remember is you need a rounded line that leads to a circle at the bottom of your music note and a swirl in the middle of your music note.

music notes that you can draw

Step-By-Step Music Note Drawing Tutorial

Drawing music notes can be a fun and creative way to express yourself. But if you don’t know where to start, it can be difficult to begin. This step-by-step tutorial will show you the basics of drawing music notes, so you can get started right away.

Step 1: Drawing the Basic Shapes

The first step is to draw the basic shapes of the music notes. Start by drawing a circle for the note head. The size of the circle should depend on the type of note you are drawing—a half note would be larger than a quarter note, for example. Then draw two lines extending from the circle to show the stem. The length of the stem should depend on the duration of the note—a half note will have a longer stem than a quarter note.

Finally, add the flag or flags to the stem. A quarter note will have one flag, while a half note will have two. The flag should be drawn on a slant, pointing downwards. The number of flags will depend on the type of note you are drawing.

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Step 2: Adding the Accidentals

The next step is to add the accidentals to the note. Accidentals are symbols that indicate whether a note should be sharp or flat sharp indicated by a “#” sign, and a flat note is indicated by a “b” sign. If the note is neither sharp nor flat, then no accidental should be added.

To add an accidental, draw a small line extending from the note head, pointing towards the left. Then draw the symbol for the accidental on the line. Make sure you draw it in the correct direction—a sharp note should point up, and a flat note should point down.

Step 3: Adding the Note’s Duration

The next step is to add the note’s duration to the note. This is indicated by the number of dots that are drawn to the right of the note. A quarter note will have one dot, a half note will have two dots, and so on. Start by drawing a small circle to the right of the note head, then draw a second circle and a third circle if the note is a half note or longer. Make sure the circles are equal distances apart.

Step 4: Finishing Touches

The last step is to add the finishing touches to your drawing. You can add lines or curves to the head of the note to give it a more artistic look. You can also draw a line connecting the two flags of a half note to make it look more realistic. Finally, add some color to your drawing to make it look more vibrant and fun.

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music notes

How to Draw a Quarter Music Note

Step 1: Draw a small oval shape for the note head. This will be the main part of the note.

Step 2: Add a straight line that comes down from the bottom of the note head. This will be the stem of the note.

Step 3: At the end of the stem, draw a small filled-in circle. This is the note’s “flag” or “tail”.

Step 4: If the note has a higher pitch, the stem should point downwards. If it has a lower pitch, the stem should point upwards.

Turn Your Quarter Music Note Into a Half Note

You can add a horizontal line through the note head to make it a “half note” instead of a “quarter note”.

Turn Your Half Music Note Into a Whole Note

To make a “whole note,” simply draw an empty oval shape with no stem or flag.

Turn Your Whole Note Into a Dotted Quarter Note

To create a “dotted quarter note,” draw a regular quarter note and add a small dot next to it. The dot extends the note’s duration by half, so a dotted quarter note is equivalent to a quarter note plus an eighth note.

drawing of music notes

In Summary

Drawing music notes doesn’t have to be a difficult task. With this step-by-step tutorial, you can easily learn how to draw music notes in no time. All you need to do is follow the steps outlined above and you’ll be able to draw realistic music notes in no time. So grab your pencils and get started!

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