How to Draw a Cartoon Goose – Step-By-Step Tutorial

how to draw a cartoon goose step by step tutorial

First, start by drawing a circle for the head of the bird. Within the circle, draw an eyeball and color in a black pupil. You can make the pupil large so it looks cartoonish. Next, draw a triangle off the left side of the head to make the beak of the bird. After that, draw a rectangle coming down from the head to show a long neck like geese have. You can draw the body by using a half circle from the bottom of the neck with the rounded portion at the bottom and the flat portion connected to the neck. Within the body, draw an outline of a wing. To finish the goose, you can draw two lines down from the body with three talons to make up the feet.

Cartoon Goose Drawing Tutorial #2

how to draw a cartoon goose

Step-By-Step Cartoon Goose Drawing Tutorial

  1. Start by drawing the head of the goose, which should be round and slightly curved at the top. Draw a beak that is slightly curved and pointy at the end. Add two small circles for the eyes and a curved line for the brow.
  2. Next, draw the body of the goose. This should be slightly larger than the head and have a slightly curved, round shape. Add two small circles for the feet at the bottom of the body.
  3. Draw the wings of the goose by sketching two curved lines that start at the top of the body and extend out to the sides. Add small, feather-like lines to the wings to give them texture.
  4. Add details to the head, such as a curved line for the cheeks, small lines for feathers, and a curved line for the neck.
  5. Finally, add color to your drawing. A goose typically has white feathers, a white or black head, and an orange beak. Some geese also have darker feathers and a dark grey beak.
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Cartoon Goose Drawing Tips

When you are drawing the goose, try to think of it as simple shapes put together rather than a complex creature. The head is a circle, the body is an oval, the wings are rounded in shape, the legs are small rectangles, and the feet are webbed. This can make it easier to get the proportions and placement right in your drawing.

In Summary

If you follow these tips, drawing a cartoon goose can be a lot of fun and give you a lot of enjoyment. Make sure your lines are loose and playful, try out different expressions and poses, and most of all, have fun! Whether you’re drawing a cartoon goose for a project or just for fun, these tips can help you make it look real. So, get your pencil, find something to inspire you, and start drawing! With some practice and patience, you’ll be able to draw your own unique cartoon goose.

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