How to Draw a Clown Head and Face

Follow our easy tutorial and you will have your own clown head and face drawing! This is a great instructional article to teach kids how to draw a clown head.

First, start by drawing the pupils with two oval-shaped black circles. Second, draw rounded oval shapes around the pupils and a perfect circle for the clown nose. Third, draw the eyebrows above the eyes. Fourth, draw a round shape around the head of the clown. Next, draw the clown’s mouth with a tongue sticking out. After that, draw rounded cheeks for the clown’s head and draw the outline of the mouth around the tongue with lip outlines. Finally, draw fluffy hair on the side of the clown’s head along with the bowtie around the neck.

how to draw a clown head

Step-By-Step Clown Head Drawing Tutorial

If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to draw a clown head, you’re in for a fun and creative adventure. Drawing is a valuable skill that allows you to express your creativity and imagination. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of drawing a clown head, from gathering materials to adding the final touches. So grab your pencils, paper, and let’s get started!

Step 1: Draw the Outline of the Clown Head

Once you have the basic shapes in place, you can start outlining the clown head. Use your pencil to define the shape of the head, the placement of the eyes, nose, and mouth, and the general features of the clown. Take your time and be mindful of the proportions and details.

drawing of a cartoon clown head

Step 2: Draw the Clown’s Facial Features

With the outline in place, you can now start adding the facial features of the clown head. Begin with the eyes, which are usually large and exaggerated in clown drawings. Then, add the nose, mouth, and other features such as eyebrows, cheeks, and chin. Pay attention to the details and take your time to ensure accuracy.

Step 3: Add Details to your Clown Drawing

One of the fun parts of drawing a clown head is adding the unique clown details that make it come to life. These can include elements such as a wig, a hat, a bowtie, and other accessories that are typically associated with clowns. Get creative and add your personal touch to make your clown head drawing truly unique.

how to draw cute clown head with colors

Step 4: Add Color and Shadows to your Clown Drawing

Adding color and shadows is where your clown head drawing starts to come to life. Use colored pencils or markers to add vibrant colors to the different parts of the clown head, such as the face, hair, and accessories. Experiment with different color combinations and shading techniques to create depth and dimension. Pay attention to light sources and shadows to make your clown head drawing more realistic and dynamic.

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Step 5: Refine and Add Final Touches to your Clown Drawing

After coloring, take a step back and assess your clown head drawing. Look for any areas that may need refinement or additional details. Use your eraser to clean up any stray lines or smudges. You can also add more details or highlights with a white pencil or marker to make certain areas pop. Take your time to ensure that you’re satisfied with the final result.

two detailed clown head drawings for reference

3 Tips for Teaching Kids How to Draw a Clown Head

Tip 1: Break Down the Process into Simple Shapes

When teaching kids to draw a clown’s head and face, start by breaking down the image into simple shapes. This helps in making the process less overwhelming. For example, the clown’s head can be drawn as a large circle or oval, the eyes as two small circles, the nose as a big red circle, and the mouth as a wide semi-circle or an arc shape.

Tip 2: Use Visual and Verbal Instructions

Children learn best when information is presented in more than one way. When teaching them to draw, provide both visual and verbal instructions. Draw each step yourself, explaining what you’re doing as you go. For example, you could say, “Now, we’re going to draw the clown’s big, happy mouth. Let’s draw a wide ‘U’ shape under the nose.” This way, children can both see the process and hear how it’s done.

Tip 3: Encourage Creativity and Individuality

Every clown is unique, just like every child’s drawing should be. Encourage kids to add their own touches to their clown drawings. They might want to add big, colorful hair, a funny hat, or even paint the face with different colors. Remember, the aim is not to create a perfect drawing but to enjoy the process and encourage creativity. Show enthusiasm for their work and praise their effort and creativity, not just the end result.

1 Tip For Drawing a Clown Head

Pay attention to facial expressions and exaggerate them when sketching a clown head. Don’t be afraid to enlarge the eyes, round the nose, widen the lips, and other features because clowns are known for their exaggerated expressions and actions. This will contribute to giving them a more cartoonish, humorous appearance that is characteristic of clowns. Don’t forget to add finishing touches like creases, wrinkles, or a ruffled collar to give your clown more charm and character.

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When drawing a clown, it is important to exaggerate the features and expressions to give the clown a more cartoon-like appearance. Also, you can use reference images of clowns for your guide if you want to make it more accurate.

drawing of a clown head

FAQs For Drawing a Clown Head

Can I use a reference image to draw a clown head?

Yes, using a reference image can be helpful in understanding the proportions and details of a clown head. However, try to add your own unique style and personal touch to make it truly original.

Do I need to be an experienced artist to draw a clown head?

No, drawing a clown head can be enjoyed by artists of all skill levels, including beginners. Just follow the step-by-step process and practice regularly to improve your drawing skills.

Can I use markers instead of colored pencils for coloring?

Yes, you can use markers or any other coloring medium of your choice. Experiment with different materials to achieve the desired effect in your clown head drawing.

How long does it take to draw a clown head?

The time it takes to draw a clown head can vary depending on your skill level and the level of detail you want to add. It could take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours or even longer. Take your time and enjoy the process.

Can I add my own creative elements to the clown head drawing?

Absolutely! Drawing is a form of self-expression, so feel free to add your own unique creative elements to make your clown head drawing truly one-of-a-kind.

In Summary

Drawing a clown head can be a fun and rewarding experience, even for beginners. By following the step-by-step process outlined above, you can create a unique and vibrant clown head drawing that showcases your creativity and artistic skills. Remember to practice regularly and experiment with different techniques to improve your drawing abilities.

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