How to Draw a Cartoon Palm Tree – Step-By-Step Tutorial

how to draw a cartoon palm tree

First, draw the trunk of the tree, which is a long vertical triangle shape. Then, you need to draw the palm tree leaves, which are shaped like long curved teardrops. After that, you need to draw the coconuts at the top of the palm tree in front of the leaves. Next, draw a crisscross shape in the trunk of the tree. Finally, all you have to do is color your palm tree with brown and green.

palm tree drawings

Step-By-Step Cartoon Palm Tree Drawing Tutorial

  1. Start by drawing the trunk of the palm tree using a long, curved line. Make the line thicker at the bottom and thinner at the top.
  2. Next, draw the fronds of the palm tree using several curved lines that branch off from the top of the trunk. Make the lines wavy and irregular to give the fronds a natural, organic look.
  3. Add details to the fronds by drawing smaller, wavy lines within them.
  4. Erase any unnecessary lines, and add color to your palm tree if desired. You can use green for the fronds and brown for the trunk.

1 Tip For Drawing a Cartoon Palm Tree

When drawing a palm tree, pay attention to the shape and texture of the fronds. They must be long, slender, and have a small top curvature. To give the fronds a genuine appearance, the texture should be slightly rough and show visible fibers or lines. Be careful to pay attention to the palm tree’s trunk as well; it should be uneven and lumpy.