How to Draw a Kawaii Penguin – Step-By-Step Tutorial

how to draw a kawaii christmas penguin

Follow our easy tutorial and you will have your own kawaii Christmas penguin drawing! This is a great instructional article to teach kids how to draw a kawaii penguin.

First, draw the snow cap that will fit on the top of the Kawaii Penguin’s head. Second, draw a rounded rectangle that will make up the penguin’s short and stocky body. Third, draw a scarf around the center of the body. Fourth, draw the arms of the penguin and the small feet at the bottom. Fifth, draw the penguin’s face and draw the outline on the inner part of the body. Sixth, color the penguin to make it black and white with a red scarf.

kawaii christmas penguins

Kawaii Penguin Drawing Step-By-Step Tutorial

Have you ever wanted to learn how to draw a cute and adorable kawaii penguin? Look no further! In this step-by-step tutorial, we will guide you through the process of drawing a kawaii penguin from scratch.

By the end of this tutorial, you will have the skills to create your very own kawaii penguin drawings.

Materials Needed

To start drawing a kawaii penguin, you’ll need a few basic materials:

  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Paper

Once you have these materials, you’re ready to start!

Step 1 – Draw the Body of the Kawaii Penguin

Let’s start by drawing the penguin’s body. Begin by drawing a slightly curved line at the top of the paper for the head. Then, draw a large, oval shape for the body. Make sure the body is slightly wider than the head.

Next, draw two small ovals on either side of the body for the wings. These should be slightly curved and angled downwards. Finally, draw two small, oval-shaped feet at the bottom of the body.

Don’t worry if your shapes don’t look perfect. You can always erase and try again.

2 cute kawaii penguin drawings

Step 2 – Draw the Kawaii Penguin’s Face

Now it’s time to draw the penguin’s cute face. Start by drawing two large, circular eyes on the head. Make sure they’re evenly spaced apart and slightly angled towards each other.

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Next, draw a small, triangular beak in the middle of the face. The beak should be slightly curved and pointy at the end. Then, draw a small, curved line above each eye for the eyebrows.

Step 3 – Add Details to Your Kawaii Penguin

Let’s add some details to our kawaii penguin. Draw a small, heart-shaped blush on each cheek. Then, draw a small, oval-shaped belly in the middle of the body.

Next, draw some lines on the wings to create feathers. These should be small, curved lines that start from the top of the wing and end near the bottom.

Finally, add some small dots or lines to the feet to create texture.

Step 4 – Erasing Guidelines and Unnecessary Lines to Your Kawaii Penguin

Now that we’ve drawn our kawaii penguin, it’s time to clean up our drawing. Use your eraser to carefully remove any guidelines or rough sketches that you no longer need.

Take your time and be gentle with your eraser. You don’t want to accidentally erase any important details or lines.

Step 5 – Add Color to your Kawaii Penguin

Now it’s time to add some color to our kawaii penguin. You can use colored pencils, markers, or any other coloring tools you have on hand.

Start by coloring the body and wings black. Then, color the eyes and eyebrows white. Finally, color the beak and feet orange.

2 cute kawaii christmas penguin drawings

Step 6 – Add Shading and Details to Your Drawing

To create a more realistic look, you can add some shading and highlights to your drawing. Use a darker shade of black to shade the areas where the body meets the wings and feet.

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Then, use a white pencil or marker to add highlights to the eyes and beak. This will make them look shiny and reflective.

Step 7 – Add Final Touches

Now that you’ve added color, shading, and highlights, take a step back and look at your drawing. If there are any areas that need touching up, now is the time to do it.

You can also add some finishing touches, such as a background or some additional details to make your drawing stand out.

kawaii christmas penguin drawing

Tips For Drawing a Kawaii Penguin

To draw a kawaii penguin, start with a light sketch of the basic shape using a circle for the head, a larger oval for the body, and smaller circles for the feet. Then, add the large and round eyes with small pupils and a small, triangular beak to give the penguin a cute and friendly expression. Draw small, rounded flippers with slightly curved shapes and add small lines to indicate the feathers on them. Use small lines to create the texture of the penguin’s feathers and add blush marks to the cheeks for a cuter look. Finally, color the penguin using shades of black and white for the body and adding a pop of color to the cheeks, beak, and feet. Remember to focus on keeping the proportions and shapes simple and charming rather than making it too realistic.

In Summary

Remember to keep your lines light and loose, as you can always go back and darken them later. And don’t worry if your drawing doesn’t look perfect at first – with practice and patience, you’ll be able to draw a cute kawaii Christmas penguin like a pro.