How to Draw a Cartoon-Style Airplane – Step-By-Step Tutorial

how to draw a cartoon style airplane

In this blog post, you will learn everything you need in order to draw your own cartoon-style airplane. We have several drawing tutorials so whether you want to draw a cartoon commercial plane, cartoon monoplane, or cartoon biplane, we have you covered in this blog post.

two cartoon commercial airplane illustrations to reference for beginners who are drawing a cartoon airplane

Step-By-Step Cartoon-Style Airplane Drawing Tutorial

f you’ve ever wanted to learn how to draw a cartoon-style airplane, you’re in luck! This step-step guide will help you create a perfect cartoon-style airplane in no time. From the fuselage to the wings, tail, and cockpit, we will cover every detail you need to know in order to draw your very own cartoon-style airplane.

cartoon airplane drawings for kids to reference and follow

Step 1: Draw the Fuselage

The fuselage is the main body of the airplane, and it is what holds all the other parts together. To draw the fuselage, start by sketching out a rectangle at the center of the page. To make it look more like a fuselage, add a few curved lines to the sides of the rectangle. Finally, draw a few lines at the top of the rectangle to create the cockpit. Once you’re done with the fuselage, add a few details like the engine, landing gear, and windows to make it look more realistic.

Step 2: Draw the Wings

The wings are what give the airplane lift, and they are one of the most important parts of the airplane. To draw the wings, start by sketching out two curved lines coming out from the fuselage. Make sure to keep the lines parallel and evenly spaced. Once you have the outline of the wings, fill in the middle with a few curved lines to give it more shape.

Finish the wings by adding a few details like the ailerons, flaps, and landing gear.

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framed cartoon airplane drawings flying through the sky

Step 3: Draw the Tail

The tail is what helps the airplane turn and maneuver air. To draw the tail, start by sketching out two curved lines coming out from the fuselage. Make sure to keep the lines parallel and evenly spaced. Once you have the outline of the tail, draw a few curved lines in the middle to give it more shape.

Finish the tail by adding a few details like the rudder and elevator.

two different cartoon airplane drawings

Step 4: Draw the Cockpit

The cockpit is where the pilot sits and controls the airplane. To draw the cockpit, start by sketching out two circles at the top of the fuselage. Make sure to keep the circles evenly spaced and make them look like they are connected to the fuselage. Once you have the outline of the cockpit, draw a few curved lines in the middle to give it more shape.

Finish the cockpit by adding a few details like the windshield, instrument panel, and control stick.

Step 5: Draw Airplane Details

The last step is to add all the small details to make the airplane look more realistic. Examples of details you can add include the engine, landing gear, passenger windows, and any other details you can think of. Don’t be afraid to experiment and get creative with the details!

Once you’re done with the details, you should have a beautiful cartoon-style airplane!

How to Draw a Cartoon Monoplane in 5 Steps

how to draw a cartoon style monoplane airplane in 5 steps

First, start by drawing the body of the plane with a long sideways triangle with the flat side on the left and the pointed side on right. You can draw a line through the middle of your triangle. Second, use the line you drew through the middle of your triangle to draw two wings. On the back of the plane, you can draw the rear wing with a sideways rectangle shape. Draw a rectangle on the left side of your initial triangle for the front of the plane. Then, draw the propeller on the front of the plane. Draw a trapezoid shape on the top of the plane to show where the pilot will sit. Next, draw two small wings on the very back of the plane. Finally, color in your plane and draw it flying in the clouds for additional details.

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1 Tip For Drawing a Cartoon-Style Airplane

Use clear and concise shapes and lines to simulate movement while sketching a cartoon airplane in the sky. Focus on the basic outlines of the airplane rather than attempting to depict every little detail, and use lines to represent motion and direction. The appearance of the airplane flying in the sky can easily be simulated by including clouds or a sun in the background.

colored in drawing of an airplane

How to Draw a Realistic Airplane

You can view our tutorial for how to draw a realistic airplane here.

how to draw an airplane step by step tutorial

How to Draw a Fighter Jet

You can view our tutorial for how to draw a fighter jet here.

how to draw a fighter jet

In Summary

Drawing a cartoon-style airplane is a great way to practice your drawing skills and have fun. With this step-by-step guide, you can learn how to draw a cartoon-style airplane in no time. From the fuselage to the wings, tail, and cockpit, you can create a perfect cartoon-style airplane with a few simple steps. So get out your pencil and get started!

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