How to Draw a Castle – Step-By-Step Tutorial

how to draw a castle for kids easy tutorial

First, start by drawing a square with a separate taller rectangle on the left and right sides of your square. Second, draw a triangle on top of each rectangle. In the middle of your square, draw a vertical rectangle with a triangle on top. This third vertical rectangle should be slightly taller than the other 2. Next, draw flags on top of each of your triangles and draw a half-oval outline at the bottom of your square for the door. Then, add details to the door and draw bricks on the castle, which can be done by drawing three rectangular shapes. Then, draw tiny squares on top of your initial square that you drew to give the castle more details. Finally, color in your castle the color of your choice.

How to Draw a Castle For Kids Easy

how to draw a castle in 6 steps

Step-By-Step Castle Drawing Tutorial

Drawing is a great way for kids to express their creativity and imagination. It is also a fun activity that helps them develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. If your child is interested in drawing, then learning how to draw a castle is a great place to start. In this article, we will show you step-by-step instructions on how to draw a castle that is easy and fun for kids to follow.

castle drawings

Materials Needed:

  • White paper
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Black marker or pen
  • Colored pencils or markers (optional)

Step 1 – Draw the Castle Walls

Start by drawing a horizontal line in the middle of the paper. This will serve as the ground for your castle. Then, draw two vertical lines on either side of the horizontal line to create the walls of your castle.

Step 2 – Add the Towers to your Castle

Next, draw two tall rectangles at each end of the castle walls. These will serve as the towers. You can make the towers as tall or as short as you want, depending on your preference.

2 basic drawings of castles

Step 3 – Draw the Roof of the Castle

Now it’s time to add the roof to the towers. Draw two diagonal lines from the top of each tower to the center of the castle. Then, draw a horizontal line connecting the two diagonal lines. This will create the roof of your castle.

three castle drawings and illustrations

Step 4 – Add the Windows to your Castle

To make your castle look more realistic, draw some windows on the walls and towers. You can make them square, circular, or any shape you like. Make sure to add some details like bars or shutters to the windows.

Step 5 – Draw the Door of your Castle

Every castle needs a door, so draw one in the center of the castle walls. You can make it as simple or as detailed as you want. Add some decorations like a doorknob or a knocker to make it look more interesting.

Step 6 – Add the Details to your Castle

Now it’s time to add some details to your castle. Draw some bricks on the walls and towers to give them texture. You can also add some flags or banners to the towers to make them look more festive.

two detailed pencil drawings of medieval castles

Step 7 – Outline Your Castle Drawing

Once you are happy with your drawing, it’s time to outline it with a black marker or pen. This will make your drawing stand out and look more polished. Erase any pencil lines that are still visible.

2 beginners drawings of colored in castles with the walls roof windows and doors

Step 8 – Color Your Castle Drawing

Finally, it’s time to add some color to your drawing. You can use colored pencils, markers, or crayons to color your castle. Use your imagination and have fun with it!

2 detailed examples of castles you can draw if you are an advanced artist

What is a Castle?

A castle is a large, fortified structure that was traditionally used for defense and to house royalty and nobility. Castles come in many shapes and sizes, but typically have high walls and towers, a main entrance or gatehouse, and various other features such as moats and drawbridges.

neuschwanstein castle

How do you draw a realistic Castle?

To draw a realistic castle, start by outlining the main structure of the castle, including the walls, towers, and entrance. Next, add details such as battlements, windows, and doors to create a more realistic look. Pay attention to shading and perspective to give the castle depth and dimension.

medieval castle example 1

How do you draw a simple medieval Castle?

Drawing a simple medieval castle is similar to drawing a realistic castle, but with less detail. Start with a rectangular shape for the main building, then add a triangle on top for the roof. Draw towers on each corner and add details like windows, doors, and battlements.

medieval castle example 2

How do you draw a Castle using shapes?

Drawing a castle using shapes is a simple and effective way to create a basic castle shape. Start with a rectangle for the main building and add triangles for the roofs. Draw circles for the towers and squares for the battlements. Once the basic shape is complete, add details like windows and doors.

examples of castle illustrations for reference

How do you draw a 3D Castle?

Drawing a 3D castle involves using shading and highlights to create depth and perspective. Start with the basic shape of the castle, then use shading to create the illusion of depth and shadow. Use highlights to bring out the most important details and add texture to the walls and other features.

What are some parts of a Castle?

Castles have many different parts, depending on their size and purpose. Common parts include walls, towers, gatehouses, drawbridges, moats, courtyards, great halls, chapels, and dungeons. Castles may also have living quarters, kitchens, stables, and other functional spaces.

In Summary

Drawing a castle step-by-step for kids is a fun and easy activity that anyone can do. With just a few simple steps, you can create a beautiful castle that will impress your friends and family. Remember to use your imagination and have fun with it. Happy drawing!